Eletropaulo announced today its results of 2010. Net income, without extraordinary effects, reached almost BRL 1 billion. I'm considering in my valuation just BRL 800 millions of recurring earnings (the equivalent amount of 2009), wich gives a P/E = 7,0 and a yield bigger than 10%.
Nice figures.
Smart Grocery Shopping Tactics
2 weeks ago
I know those number at not recurrent, but they are very good anyway:
A administração irá propor à Assembléia Geral Ordinária (AGO), prevista para abril de 2011, a distribuição de R$ 916,4 milhões na
forma dividendos e juros sobre capital próprio. Somados aos dividendos intermediários já antecipados, o dividend yield do ano será
de 28,6%.
Eletropaulo se livra de cobrança fiscal no Carf
AES estimatives
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