These are the prices I would pay for the stocks below:
BVMF3: 8,85
AMBV3: 45,00
ITSA4: 9,50
BBDC3: 21,00
GOAU3: 16,00
RAPT4: 9,00
POMO3: 4,50
Smart Grocery Shopping Tactics
2 weeks ago
A blog to discuss value investments ideas, specially in brazilian market
I just think your target for POMO3 is too low. This would generate a P/E of 8.0 for a ROE of 22.0%.
Also, I would add (approx. prices):
VALE5 30.0
MDIA3 35.0
TGMA3 20.0
CIEL3 40.0 (more)
UGPA3 25.0
MULT3 25.0
PSSA3 15.0
ALPA4 10.0
NATU3 30.0
WEGE3 12.0
BRFS3 25.0
So what would be your price for pomo?
At 7.0 I would probably start a buy.
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