CSHG Logística FII
New release of HGLG11 explains its main assets. Worth note that now rents earned are taxed, but the process of transfers, so that the fund obtains direct ownership of the property is underway and as soon as them end, real estate revenues will be exempt.
CSHG Recebíveis Imobiliários BC FII
What you think about this fund?
It's currently yielding more than 10%.
Smart Grocery Shopping Tactics
2 weeks ago
I don't like CRI funds. I would eventually buy a CRI, but not blindfolded like this. I see that all CRI owned buy the CSHG CRI were issued by Brazilian Securities.
About the HGLG: I think that, after making the reorganizations to have the tax exemption, the payout will be about 8,10 to 8,17 per share. That makes a 0,78% yield, wich is more than HGRE and HGJH.
Do you have any idea why EURO11 pays the same amount of 1.36 since august 2008?
I searched on internet but there is no decent report about it.
More updates:
HGLG: is already tax exempted since may.
CSBC: forget about it. It's yielding 11%, but includes IGPM. So the real yield is very low.
I don't know why EURO still pays 1,36. It should be earning much more due to inflation.
TRXL11 is showing 0,775% yield. That's interesting..
I would consider buying HGLG or HGRE (wich I already own).
TRXL is also a possibility, but I like CSHG as the manager.
One more:
Itau real state fund:
If you want to buy some real estate funds, take a look at PRSV11. It paid 8,58/share in october/11, wich is much more than the usual 7,94. I think the increase in october may be due to the inflation reposition on the rent contracts.
I only will buy real state funds that have detailed monthly report, that is: HG's funds, FFCI and TRXL.
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