According to Google Finance, the ratio FCF / Market Value today is 38,36 / 208 = 18,44% (year 2010 Cash Flow Statement)
CSU announded today the repurchase of 2,8% of it's stocks in the market.
I'm thinking about buying some more stocks. It's one of the smallest positions in my portifolio and the company has shown a good cash generation capacity.
I'm also waiting to buy FJTA4 for 3,10.
Smart Grocery Shopping Tactics
2 weeks ago
I'm waiting to buy more at 4.00, because I already have a considerable position. If this isn't your case, I think you should buy more.
This looks like a classic example of overreaction.
I'll post an order for FJTA4 at 3,10
I bought some FJTA4 for 3,10.
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