Infomoney: Aneel reajusta tarifa de energia na PB e aprova revisão para o CE
Finally we have some numbers to work on: "A proposta prevê redução de 10,16%, em média, na conta de luz."
I cutted 10% from the last 4 quarters revenues and the net profit fell to 215.290 from 458.306. That's a reduction of 53%. The ROE would nove dive to 14,8% from 31,6%. Just as we expected!
What will be the impact on the payout? That's the most important issue now.
I hope the market drops COCE so I have an oportunity to buy for a fair price in this new environment.
Smart Grocery Shopping Tactics
2 weeks ago
Not all analyst says may be bullshit:
Barclays reduz recomendação da Eletropaulo para underweight
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